
Feb 13, 2023

When January 1st rolls around, many people resolve to eat vegan for the month. There are many reasons to do so, including improving your health, helping animals, and reducing your carbon footprint. However, this is easier said than done, just like any other major lifestyle shift.

Sixty-one percent of individuals who attempted Veganuary last year completed the month eating solely vegan foods. Vegan meal kits remove the burden of planning meals, shopping for ingredients, and preparing food. In the following lines, you'll find some of our favorites.

Lush Kitchen Subscription Box

Lush is the pioneer in cruelty-free retail. Surprisingly for a store that is known for ignoring your consent at every turn on the local high street, it has always placed ethical practices at the center of its company and is continually expanding its selection of vegan products.

This store is also ideal for a membership program. All of the items come from the cosmetics and toiletries industry. Still, the possible color and fragrance combinations are practically unlimited, making it ideal to have a carefully designed box sent right to your door to guarantee you never get into a vanilla rut.

Vegan Town Vegan Treat Box

A nutritious snack isn't always the best option. A goddamn Mars bar that doesn't involve the exploitation of cows would be nice sometimes. Could you please elaborate on that? Those with a real sugar tooth will appreciate Treatbox.

We're talking about full-on luxury, from clones of junk food to ritzy artisan chocolates. Exactly how long has it been since we last had a Crunchie? It was like taking a bite out of our youth; if we weren't so sugar-high, then we probably would have gotten emotional.

This alone made the package worthwhile to us. We also appreciated how harmless it was; if there's something you don't care for, the word can spread quickly and easily among your pals.


Many companies realize they can make more money by catering to vegans. Therefore more and more vegan meal packages are appearing on the market. However, Grubby was established as a vegan business from the ground up, and this attitude remained present throughout the entire delivery process.

They were not only tasty but also quite easy to prepare; it was almost as if you had a personal sous chef standing by to help you with the measuring and the motivation.

Grubby even gives you a Spotify playlist to chop to because the chef has excellent taste in music. It's all part of making the kitchen feel like a place where you can relax and enjoy the cooking process rather than a place you have to speed through.

Lifestyle Box Vegan Kind

Since The Vegan Kind is an online grocery for vegans, its subscription boxes naturally provide a wide variety of tasty foods, including savory snacks, sweets, and sponge-based desserts. Indeed, we were pleasantly surprised to see biodegradable kitchen sponges among the items included in our trial package.

A new vegan who wants to branch out from bourbon biscuits, salt, and vinegar Walkers might like this book. Conveniently, we got a discount on our pretzel chocolate fix and a complimentary recipe card. It's also the cheapest container here, which is great news.


When compared to the other food-related subscription boxes we had previously received, the Lifebox contained the most extensive assortment of items, and with the exception of a hemp moisturizer, all of the goods were of a full-sized version. People who are concerned about their health are the target audience for the company's products; this is a demographic that does not exclude vegans in any way. 1 2

One example of a product that we would have never tried if it weren't for Lifebox is a can of magnesium water. This is just one example among many. Nevertheless, for the nutritional adventurer, this item is simply one of many delicious things that were included in this box.

Our imaginations were blown by the Bounce salted peanut butter protein ball; it was extremely tasty and wonderful for reinvigorating us after a workout. The gluten-free muffin mix turned out to be a complete failure. In spite of this, it is possible that we will fail to recognize a failure among the many successes.

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